Slone Melhuish & Co., Selective Insurance Group, Inc. Support Chautauqua Institution With Grant

Slone Melhuish & Company and Selective Insurance Group, Inc. have joined forces to support the Chautauqua Institution through a $1,000 grant.

‘‘We are proud to support the work of Chautauqua Institution,’’ said Rick Joslyn, owner of the Sloan Melhuish & Company Agency in Jamestown. ‘‘We feel that they provide the opportunity to grow in many directions through the programs offered.’’

The grant represents a $500 donation from Slone Melhuish & Company matched by a $500 grant from Selective Insurance Group.

‘‘Selective values the relationships we share with independent agents and their customers,’’ said James Caragher, senior vice president of field operations. ‘‘Being able to help those agents give back to their communities supports our mission of being a good business and community partner.’’ (Source:
The Post-Journal)

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